Hair Interpolation in Houdini with VEX

When I started learning vex programming, one of my goals was to create a hair interpolation node in Houdini. It’s one of the most complex problems I’ve solved in the area of CG grooming. It took quite some time and a lot of trial and error. But I guess where there’s a will there’s a way. I managed to put it together in a decently optimized way. This setup interpolates existing groom curves with guide curves. Hair curves and guide curves need to be resampled to the same amount.

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The principle of the setup:

  • Get an array of the three closest guides to each hair

  • get an array of distances to the closest guides and remap the values to be the sum of 1 for blending between the nearest guide’s point positions

  • read each closest guide’s point positions and blend between them by the distance values

  • set groom curves point positions to the blended point positions.

Remove all except root point:

//point wrangle
int pts[] = primpoints(0,@primnum);
if ( @ptnum != pts[0] ) removepoint(0,@ptnum);

Measure distance to guides:

//primitive wrangle
int pts_groom[] = primpoints(0,@primnum);
vector rootP = point(0,"P",pts_groom[0]);

int primnum_guides[] = nearpoints(1,v@P,100,3);

vector pos;
float d;

float dist[];

for ( int i=0; i<3; i++ ){
    pos = point(1,"P",primnum_guides[i]);
    d = distance(rootP,pos);

float x = 1/(sum(dist));

for ( int i=0; i<3; i++ ){
    dist[i] *= x;

f[]@dist = dist;
f@max = max(dist);
i[]@primnum_guides = primnum_guides;

Remap dist falloff:

//primitive wrangle
float dist[] = f[]@dist;
float max = detail(0,"max");

for ( int i=0; i<len(dist); i++ ){
    dist[i] = fit(dist[i],0,max,0,1);
    dist[i] = 1-chramp("ramp",dist[i]);

f[]@dist = dist;

Average and set point positions:

//primitive wrangle
int primnum_guides[] = i[]@primnum_guides;
int pts[] = primpoints(0,@primnum);
vector rootP_groom = point(0,"P",pts[0]);

float dist[] = f[]@dist;

int guide1_pts[] = primpoints(1,primnum_guides[0]);
int guide2_pts[] = primpoints(1,primnum_guides[1]);
int guide3_pts[] = primpoints(1,primnum_guides[2]);

vector rootP_guide_avg,avg_pos;
vector pos1,pos2,pos3;
vector move;

int guide,guide_pts[];

for ( int i=0; i<len(pts); i++ ){
    guide = primnum_guides[i];
    guide_pts = primpoints(1,guide);
    if ( i==0 ){
        pos1 = point(1,"P",guide1_pts[i]);
        pos2 = point(1,"P",guide2_pts[i]);
        pos3 = point(1,"P",guide3_pts[i]);
        rootP_guide_avg = ((pos1*dist[0]) + (pos2*dist[1]) + (pos3*dist[2])) / (sum(dist));

    pos1 = point(1,"P",guide1_pts[i]);
    pos2 = point(1,"P",guide2_pts[i]);
    pos3 = point(1,"P",guide3_pts[i]);
    avg_pos = ((pos1*dist[0]) + (pos2*dist[1]) + (pos3*dist[2])) / (sum(dist));
    move = rootP_groom - rootP_guide_avg;
    avg_pos += move;

Boolean Curves With Geometry in Houdini


Calculate hair point distance to other hairs (VEX)