Move animation cache to origin (VEX)

Example: Move animated point caches centroid to the origin for each frame.

Logic around the script:

  • Run over points

  • gather and set the transform

    • Create identity 4x4 matrix variable “xform”

    • find the vector pointing to the center of all the points in the stream with getbbox_center() vex function

    • invert the vector pointing to the center

    • translate the matrix “xform” by the previously inverted vector

    • multiply the first streams point position by the translated matrix “xform”

    • store the translation matrix to a detail attribute.

matrix xform = ident(); vector center = getbbox_center(geoself()); center *= -1; translate(xform,center); v@P *= xform; setdetailattrib(geoself(),"xform",xform);
  • To bring back the original animation

    • Read the transform matrix from detail attribute “xform” and store it in a variable

    • invert the transform matrix

    • multiply point position by the matrix.

matrix xform = detail(geoself(),"xform"); xform = invert(xform); v@P *= xform;

Snap curve roots to a geometry surface (VEX)


Measure hair length (VEX)