Transfer skin normals to the groom curves (VEX)
Example: Having the skin surface normal attribute on the hairs is necessary for rotating the hair around the root perpendicular to the skin surface.
Logic around the script:
Run over primitives
Get the first point (root) of the primitive to a variable
Store root point position to a variable
Use xyzdist() and primuv() functions to find the normal attribute on a surface measured from the root position of the iterated primitive
Store the found normal attribute as a primitive attribute to the groom curves
// run in a primitive wrangle // hair curves to the first input // skin geometry to the second input int pnt = primpoint(0,@primnum,0); vector rootP = point(0,"P",pnt); int prim; vector uv; xyzdist(1,rootP,prim,uv); vector N = primuv(1,"N",prim,uv); v@skin_normal = N;